Machina ships internationally.
In order to streamline the shipping process and minimize the overall turnaround time, we have set up a warehouse in China and a dedicated QC team working closely with our manufacturer.
All orders will be shipped via air transport directly from the factory after QC.

  • Imports, duties, and taxes are all the responsibility of the customer.
  • Refusal to pay duties will result in your order being cancelled minus the TOTAL shipping cost (inclusive of return) and any other applicable fees (for example credit card fees).
  • For customers in the EU and UK, please note that there is a minimum order value of $180.00 USD.
  • Unfortunately, Machina is currently unable to ship to Russia and Ukraine.
  • Please be aware that Machina does not provide shipping services to PO Boxes or Parcel lockers.
  • Kindly ensure that you provide all the necessary details, including the apartment/suite/building number, and if required, the company name.


  • Worldwide: DHL Express